Sunday, January 27, 2008

What's in a name?

January 26th, 2008

So this is my family crest... well it's my husband's family crest, so through marriage,
my family crest.
I don't understand men and their attachment to their last names,
I know it's not just my husband like this...
My maiden name is Nott,
if I say that one of the kids is behaving like a "Nott" or has "Nott" features or atributes,
my husband gets upset!
"They aren't Nott's!"

But I am!

Sure, I took his name when we married,
but at the core, I'm a Nott.
So if my children possess these characteristics
or traits I should be allowed to call them Nott traits!
There is an undisputed stubbornness among the Nott clan,
we all know it! And I'm reminded all the time that I have my father's stubbornness.
My father, last name, NOTT!
So when my children have that stubbornness aren't they "Nott" at that moment?
Why can't I have the same attachment to my family name?
I married him and took his last name,
does that mean WHO I am changes too?
I don't think so!!
Not this girl!
I've got that Nott stubborn streak going!!
Of course the children do have their father's last name,
and just as my husband got this crest from his father
(it's supposed to go to the oldest son!)
Wes will one day get this crest...
Hayden and Preston are upset that they too don't get a crest...
It starts young, this last name thing!

1 comment:

Jaimi said...

"That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet." I have an itch to read Romeo ans Juliet!