Friday, January 25, 2008

Truth in fridge magnets.

January 25th, 2008

I saw this magnet in a dollar store and HAD to buy it!
Because sadly, I'm the mother of 2 teenage boys!
When I read this magnet I had a visual image of me physically trying to nail jello in its solidish form to a tree...
which of course is just as possible as raising teenagers,
you think you can do it, only to realize it's an impossible feat!
I remember being a teenager, back in the good old days of knowing it all...

I wish I knew half as much now as I did back then!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I can agree with that statement. My daughter is not yet a teenager but I am dealing with the preteen attitude already. As much as you can prepare and think you can do it, in the end it's all a surprise. You can never know how they are going to react to anything and I think as they get older it gets worse. lol