Sunday, January 27, 2008

Houston, we have a penguin problem!

January 27th, 2008

My soon to be 19 year old son, Wes, has a problem.
I mean aside from the usual problems that teenage boys have.
He seems to love penguins.
This is a bit of his penguin collection
he's got a penguin calender, penguin pants.
Pretty much anything penguin, you're pretty sure it's a safe buy...
In this picture he's got a penguin figure or statue (that's what he calls it)
that his girlfriends mother bought for him
of a penguin on a sled, with a baby penguin on it's back.
3 penguin movies, 9 little toy figures,
penguin gummies (he won't eat them!)
Penguin poop,
Penguin hot chocolate.
A penguin pen, magnet,
pillow and blanket,
a key chain (one of his two)
and 7 stuffed penguins!
It's actually cute to see him in a store with penguins,
it's like when he was a little boy in a dollar store or toy store,
he gets all giddy and excited!
Guess that just proves that boys never do grow up!!

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