Sunday, January 13, 2008

Most thoughtful Christmas gift ever.

January 12, 2008

December 25th 2006, BIG surprise, my father who lives in a different province was coming to visit his kids.
He told my sister, and he told my brother, my older sister is developmentally disabled, so she wouldn't understand even if she was told, and my other brother lives with my father so he knew, so really this a surprise for me and my boys.
Or so my dad thought.
My sister and I are very close and of course she let me know my dad's plans.
My father who usually gives cash or gift cards, cash to the grandkids, and gift cards to his kids, decided that this year instead of gift cards, he got gifts for the females of the bunch. Me, my sisters, and my brother's girlfriend, (he got nothing!!)
I got this, which I must admit made me cry. I love music so very much, I listen to all types and spend any spare time listening to it.
Of course my father would know that music is my passion, and for the first time ever, I honestly felt like my father thought of me when he bought me a gift!
Proving to me that it really is the thought behind the gift that counts. This is something I really will cherish for the rest of my life, knowing that my father knew me and thought of me!

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