Saturday, January 15, 2011

Princess Keira

So this little sweetheart is my niece,
she's not my only niece, not even my oldest niece!
She is however, my favorite niece!
I sure hope my brother doesn't check my blog...
But there is a bond that sisters share that a brother & sister doesn't,
She is my princess!
As a mom to 3 boys she is my reason to play with dolls & shop in the pink isle at Wal Mart!
I LOVE when my sister asks me to watch her & her brother
(who incidentally is my favorite nephew!).
They are my two favorite people outside of my kids of course!
I love that her kids are little when mine are so much older,
makes me feel more like a grandparent than an aunt!

I promise there will be TONS of pictures of my princess niece & wonderful nephew in here,
just as there will be LOTS of pictures of my kids & dog!
Family is always an exceptional subject to photograph!

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