Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Brutal reality

January 14th, 2008

My middle son, Hayden, currently about to turn 13, had his whole life change in a HUGE way on January 1st 2003.
Just 2 weeks before his 8th birthday, at a time of season where kids are enjoying their Christmas scores and looking forward to going back to school to share with their friends their list of gifts they'd gotten,
Hayden was diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes.
This picture is a picture of his everyday reality,
a glucometer, insulin pens, pen needles, sharps disposals, test strips, corn syrup for low blood sugars, hand sanitizer so he can clean his hands fast, alcohol for cleaning his insulin pens,
all of this sits on top a 3 drawer caddy which is full of supplies, nutrition guides for carb counting, and a whole lot more.
Hayden takes 4 needles a day, tests his blood sugar with finger pokes at least 4 times a day!
He HAS to eat, even when he's sick and doesn't want to, if not, off to the hospital for an IV...
Crappy reality for a child, but it is a reality that many kids are forced to live with,
thankfully the solution is as simple as needles and monitoring.

The only real advantage to this happening to Hayden, (the optimist in me has to find one!)
aside from it showing me just how very strong my young man can be, is it has turned him into

such a responsible young man, reliable, and trust worthy.
He deals with diabetes in a responsible way, and is currently looking forward to possibly getting an insulin pump which means less needles...

Now to wait for a cure....

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