Friday, October 10, 2008

Back from Hiatus

October 9th, 2008

Okay, so I might have fallen into a rut.
I'm afraid the more I didn't post the easier it became
for me to continue not posting...
This summer was very busy,
a lot going on,
an excuse I'm certain everyone can relate to,
but an excuse none the less.
So I've decided to go ahead and post a bunch of pictures.
Pictures that I've taken during my hiatus.
I do apologize for not being more diligent in this task...
Something I hope to rectify!

The pictures will be posted in random order, reserving the right to comment on some of them...

Belle, after a bath, LOVES the hair dryer!

The 401 east and west bound lanes. I've heard Jaimi, that we can use this road to get to each other for a visit!! Neat huh?

Proof that Canada has two seasons, Winter and Construction!

More proof!

Above my beautiful nephew Logan...
Big brother to...

No more baby bump!
How beautiful can she be?

I just absolutely LOVED the colours!

Standing on the ground...
wished the seeds were already salted and in a bag!

Miss. Keira again... gotta love her!
Logan's working on it!

Preston & Hayden,
Handsome young men...
Growing like weeds

If I have to pick one picture that I took this summer that is my favorite,
I think this picture wins! One of those pictures I can't believe I took!

Oh the show that this guy put on for us...

My non bff loves elephants... this should make her smile!

Another one for Jaims!
Miss ya hun!

Love this picture... was so excited when I saw the mushrooms growing in the tree!


I was fortunate to have the opportunity this summer to spend a day
with Laura, a girlfriend from elementary and high school, we played catchup...
was a great time!
As luck would have it, we met up with a couple pieces of pie...

They didn't stand a chance!
They were tasty!

I just love the sky... so many colours!
and yet more proof of the two season theory!

I live thata way!

The optimist in me can't help but see the positive of this...
at least it's not in a landfill?!

LOTS of graffiti this summer...

Some of it was quite pretty!

I can't help it... I LOVE Toronto!
Such a pretty skyline!

Mom and her ducklings!

Found this playing miniature golf... loved the waterfall!

Hayden and Dad about to ring the bell with Preston!
This was such a fun day...

My eldest son, Wes...
him and those penguins!
Not sure I understand the obsession!

The pictures are posted for the most part randomly...
however they are all part of my summer and fall thus far...
Hopefully I'll be more diligent now that I've finally stopped procrastinating!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you back, Tracy!

I love love love your photos from the summer. And I had a great day with you, along with the pies!

Great pics of your boys, your new baby niece, and your puppy!