Saturday, March 8, 2008

Another Winter Night

March 8th, 2008

So not only has winter not ended,
yet again, it's here to remind us that
we do indeed live in Canada!
I assure you, other than my signature on the picture,
this photo has not been altered in any way...
that really is snow, and lots of it!

Today leaving work, the snow was so deep that I sunk into the snow, up to my knee!
I sat there laughing my ass off because of how it reminded me
of the winters when I was child!
Deep snow, tobogganing, loving it!!

I then had to help push two cars out of the parking lot at work, because
it had not yet been plowed,
likely won't be til Monday,
which means tomorrow, it'll be worse!

I assure you,
like everyone else,
I can't wait for spring...
but til then, lets make the most of what we got!!


escape said...

i like the picture here. it's like a collage.

Tracy said...

Hey beautiful picture, but I am sick of the snow too. It does remind me of our snow days when we were younger. With that said I am glad that my kids can experience it as well. But now it's enough! lol