Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Shattered dreams

March 18th, 2008

This was my son Wes' guitar...
Last year,
in a fit of rage & anger he smashed it,
a small piece of a downward spiral that he's amidst right now.
He decided it was time to spread his wings and go out on his own,
today was my first day without all my babies under my roof...

Letting go is VERY difficult!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We talked about this a bit last night, and I can see that you're having your ups and downs with this, natch.
There are pros and cons to every little event and choice we make in our lives, but when it comes to the big ones, those pros and cons can put us on an emotional roller coaster from hell.
My only advice that I can offer you (right now anyway, in this forum) is to not dwell too much on either. Just adjust, and help your boys to adjust. In my experience, when I focused too much on the good and bad, the bad always seems to have a way of tainting the good.
Once you've adjusted, the good and bad aspects of what has happened will be less able to affect you.
I love you =) Hugs
btw, I also prefer the old Betty & Veronica ;)