Sunday, March 2, 2008


March 2nd, 2008

This is a candle holder that a very dear friend of mine, Denise,
gave me for christmas a couple years ago...
Guess I'm a valuable friend,
good to know!
One thing I've truly learned to appreciate as I've gotten older,
is girl friends.
I've had many friends over the years,
a majority of them male.
I've just connected with them better,
less of the drama that often follows young women.
That being said,
I've been so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful sisterhood.
I can't imagine how I'd make it through each of life's
rewards and challenges, without my sisters!
Being a wife & mother,
trying to balance everything with career,
I think it's not something that a man would or could understand!
Something that ONLY another woman can relate to!
I have honestly been blessed with some of the BEST females in my life!
My sister Lori, my non bff Jaimi, and countless other women
whom I honestly feel that if I called, emailed or just reached
out to them, they'd not only be there,
but they'd bring the wine and chocolate!
So yes, I love my friends,
each and everyone of them!!

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