Thursday, March 27, 2008

Belle meets Trix

March 27th, 2008

So, yesterday being Belle's first day in the house,
a relatively exciting day for her, new home, new people,
I decided I'd wait on introducing her to her "fur-ends"
Trix and Jax...
As you can see by Trix's fur on the side...
Belle wants NOTHING more than to play with her!
Trix is used to this sort of behavior with Jax...
We kept Belle at a safe distance on the leash,
but when Trix got close, that gave Belle the opportunity to play!

Jax got the same treatment,
it was neat seeing him play the part of the more timid creature.
Again, the only time Belle got to the rabbits is when they came within her leashed area,
even then, we'd pull her off!!

Guess a new floor arrangement is in order to ensure safe play time for all furry family members!!

I LOVE that Belle is smaller than the rabbits!!

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