Saturday, February 9, 2008

Snow chunks on Sam's pick-up.

February 9th, 2008

Today at work, I walked into the lunch room and saw a beautiful snow fall outside,
not enough time to go grab my camera and run outside to take a picture,
and can't take pictures out the window, because cameras aren't allowed on
the premises!
So I made a comment,
"All right, wicked ass snow fall!"
Two other young ladies both in their early 20's were in the room and looked at me.
One asked if I was joking or serious,
to which I replied;
"Yes, I am very serious!
I know this crap is cold, and horrible,
and makes it difficult to get around in...
But I hate global warming more than I hate cold and snow!"
To which the other young lady replied...

"I don't care about global warming, I just hate driving in the snow!"

I obsoletely could NOT believe my ears...
not only did someone say that,
but a person who really is young enough to realize, and be educated on the fact
that if something isn't done now,
something drastic, she may not have to worry about spoiling her grandkids,
there won't be a planet left for them!
I realize that over the years, throughout life,
we've all done things to contribute to the global warming problem.
However, I think the solution is knowing the problem exists,
and knowing that we CAN do things to change what we're doing to our planet...
I just don't know how someone can say they don't care!
I'm stunned!!
I'm sorry she is so inconvenienced having to drive in the snow...
perhaps she never learned in school that we do live in Canada,
we have 4 seasons here....
Winter IS one of them!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, Tracy!

I can't stand the inconveniences traveling through snow, but the inconveniences about no longer having a world we can live in is a lot worse.