Sunday, February 3, 2008

A piece of history

February 3rd, 2008

Kinda random today...

With today's technology... computers and the internet mainly
I worry that children don't know how to use things as simple as an
encyclopedia, dictionary, or even a phone book!
All because everything is at their fingertips on the
world wide web!
I'll admit I'm just as guilty of this, I actually own the Encyclopedia Britannica
Do my kids open them??


Why should they? The internet is easy, at their disposal...
Perhaps if my computer crashed or something!!
Then they would have some resources in the home!
Perhaps I should just pack them away in a box somewhere,
or let them cut the pictures out for projects...
oh wait...

They can print pictures off the internet too!



Tracy said...

That is so true. Someone I know had a project and was too lazy to go to the library cause the web was cleary, much easier and faster. I mean what happened to actually working on a project like the good old days?

Jaimi said...

With this comes a whole new set of lessons that our children ned to be literacy is more important than ever. We have to teach our children to ask pertinent questions about what's there, and notice what's not there as they sift through and analyize te information that we're inundated with on a daily basis. How does a parent go about this? Google "Media Literacy" and find out.
Nice to see those books on a shelf Trace, I remember coming over and they were piled up on the kitchen table.